Environmental Policy
This policy was updated 2022-12-08.
This policy was updated 2022-12-08.
IST’s environmental work is driven by our vision to create the best opportunities for everyone to learn more – today and in the future.
Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, we are committed to shaping a more sustainable education sector through our digital solutions.
Developing products that support optimizing the use of school resources through tools for efficient school administration and online communication between home and school. In addition to this, IST’s primary data centers run on electricity from 100% renewable sources and work with energy efficiency.
Practicing resourcefulness as one of our company values, so that we make the most of the resources we have when it comes to our people, the planet and our business.
Integrating the environmental impact of our business activities into our management system, strategy, KPIs and annual reporting to track our progress and prioritize areas of improvement according to the ISO14001 standard.
Having people and sufficient resources dedicated to putting IST’s sustainability strategy into action across the organization and engaging co-workers to contribute to shaping a more sustainable workplace through everyday actions.
Reducing consumption and waste in our offices. This includes switching to renewable energy and using environmentally certified cleaning products, installing LED lighting, minimizing print, recycling, extending the duration of our hardware usage and selling back our used IT equipment to be repurposed.
Reducing travel by prioritizing first point of contact to be online. When travelling is necessary, we encourage public transportation and carpooling if possible in our Travel Policy. We arrange local and regional gatherings, so as few people as possible need to travel. In addition to this, we also provide information and guidance online and sign contracts digitally.
Vetting and selecting suppliers based on their environmental profile equal to other parameters such as safety, security, privacy, quality and price.
Fulfilling all legal environmental requirements related to our business activities.