What is Edtech?

Edtech stands for Educational Technology and is an umbrella term for IT solutions developed to support education, with the aim of supporting learning and the learning process. Edtech is developing rapidly - the industry is estimated to be one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and the journey is still considered to be in the early stages.

According to Sweden's national digitalization strategy, we should be the best in the world at using the opportunities of digitalization. Every single student should have the same opportunities to develop good digital skills - a strategy in which edtech plays a key role.

With edtech, education and learning become independent of time and place. Digital tools facilitate both school administration and communication, between colleagues within the school, towards the municipality and administration, but also in the dialog with students and parents.


What opportunities does edtech create?

  • Creating opportunities for personalized learning
    Modern IT solutions create completely new opportunities to adapt learning to the individual student. The learning process takes place through multiple channels and in multiple ways, creating unique opportunities for the teacher to individualize lesson planning and teaching, while giving the student good opportunities to find their way of learning.
  • Can make teaching more motivating
    Completely new and engaging ways of learning provide opportunities for motivating paths to knowledge. Students are given the opportunity to choose among different ways of absorbing information, and this can be done in a playful and more educational way than before.
  • Facilitating communication
    Gone are the days when forms had to be sent between colleagues, between school and administration or between school and home. Communication is now gathered in one place and is fast and smooth, while secure processes are ensured through identification solutions, such asSkolID.
  • Free up time for value-adding activities
    During an implementation period, digital tools can seem to take up more time than they free up. But once in place, many processes that do not directly create value can be automated, colleagues can work in parallel and time is freed up for more value-creating activities together with the student.
  • Enabling joined-up functionality
    With edtech, students, teachers, administrators and parents are given the opportunity to gather data and functionality in one place. School administration, learning platform, timetable, communication - different tools and functions are synchronized and gathered in one place. An example of a smooth overall solution for different types of schools is IST Everyday.


Edtech thus creates good opportunities for students to learn in their own way. It is a shared responsibility to implement edtech in the best way, but the school of the future will certainly offer students a wider range of tools for better and more personalized learning.

We are one of Scandinavia's leading edtech providers with over 5,000,000 users who use our education administration, timetable and learning platform systems on a daily basis. As an active player inthe Swedish Edtech Industry, we are involved in creating opportunities for schools to take advantage of the opportunities and effects of digitization in the education system.

What is Edtech?

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