Secured and controlled management of data.
Secured and controlled management of data.
EduCloud provides you with a smart and GDPR-safe solution for handling school data. You can ensure that the information is shared securely with those who have needs and access rights.
Exchange of school data is simplified and streamlined, and you gather all the information from all IST systems in one place. You’ll get secure and controlled data management throughout the school’s digital ecosystem.
EduCloud keeps track of your data flows. Several systems can integrate and share data, which facilitates an efficient, easy and secure way of working.
With access rights, you ensure that the right persons access the right data. With reliable authorization, permissions are handled easily according to GDPR.
EduCloud documents your data flows and gives you automatic access to the documentation. A flexible function that facilitates your GDPR responsibility.
Make the school data smoothly available for the service providers you have procured, while ensuring security. You get total control of your data flows and you’ll see who has access to what data and for how long.
This facilitates your GDPR responsibility; you can control and minimize your data, whilst getting automated documentation about the data transitions made. Simple and secure for everyone involved!
Create added value in your services by accessing school data! The dialogue is held directly between you and the municipality without us being involved, an efficient way of working.
You’ll get the data APIs in a standardized format. By implementing SchoolID as your secure login method, you’ll automatically obtain SSO to the IST systems.
With a user-friendly interface, you’ll see what data each service provider has access to and for how long. This can easily be changed when conditions change.
All dialogue between the municipality and the service provider takes place without our involvement. Data is shared in real time, and updates no longer need to be sent.
The municipality controls which suppliers have access to which data and for how long, which facilitates the GDPR responsibility.
Through integrations and by getting access to school related data, service providers can create added value in their digital services.
Service providers will receive data via APIs in SCIM, and according to the Swedish edtech industry standard SS 12000:2020.
With SkolID as the authorized login method, service providers will automatically receive SSO to our systems.
We have chosen EduCloud as our integration engine because we truly believe in this way of working.
It’s gives us freedom and makes it easy for schools to control what information will be transferred into the integration.
Charlotte Fredin
Responsible for administrative systems for childcare and primary schools in Halmstad municipality, Sweden
IST Everyday is a combination of products and services for a simpler school day. By combining functionality from IST Administration, IST Learn, IST Schedule, EduCloud and SchoolID, you’ll get a cohesive and fully integrated solution.
These are the four Sustainable Development Goals EduCloud contributes to the most:
EduCloud upgrades the digital infrastructure of schools to enable secure and controlled data management.
By reducing the material footprint of our users. With our data center provider running on 100% renewable energy, the school data hosted by EduCloud has a minimal impact on the environment.
EduCloud promotes effective and transparent educational institutions through secure information sharing and access to reliable school data.
By promoting effective and transparent educational institutions through secure information sharing and access to reliable school data.