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How IST Learn creates more inclusive schools

Published 16 November 2021

Child helping her grandmother with her mobile phone.
A little cute girl teaches her grandmother to use a smartphone.

IST Learn is a modern learning platform that provides students, teachers, guardians, and school administrators with all the tools they need to manage their daily school tasks, but did you know that this system also helps contribute to a more sustainable world? 

Through its modern functions, IST Learn enables efficient and secure communication between the home and the school. 

By enabling a qualitative learning experience, the platform offers its users a more accessible planning and communication process between the teachers and the students. 

Sustainability Development Goals IST Learn contributes to: 

How IST Learn contributes to the SDGs  

IST Learn provides tools to ensure that lesson plans and assessments live up to the requirements of the Swedish Ministry of Education’s curriculum for primary and secondary education by increasing accountability in lesson planning.  

Through its integrated accessibility features, IST Learn makes the planning and communication between teachers and students more accessible for everyone, while upgrading the digital infrastructure of schools. 

In addition to this, because of its cloud-based solutions that run on renewable energy, the platform also helps reduce the material footprint of its users and optimizes the use of resources for lesson planning and assessments through integrated tools.  

Together towards a more sustainable IST 

Being a part of a sustainable society is very important to us at IST, and with the education sector becoming more digitalized, there is an increasing responsibility to address information security and data privacy within the school system. 

That’s why we, as a leading edtech company, strive to promote digitally inclusive learning environments by developing products that are accessible to everyone, while making sure that our products contribute to a sustainable world. 

To find out more about how our other products contribute to the SDGs, please visit our Sustainable Development Goals page